Well, so far, I've shown up for a doctor appt. 2 weeks early. Confused two Saturdays. I'm still steaming over the $35 vegetables and the weather is quickly growing colder by the day. I am getting more done on the baby blanket (a little over 1/3 done) All the new clothes the boys got for their birthdays are clean and almost put away.
For the first time in over 2 years I can separate all the boys clothes. I can hear you now! Your asking yourself, "What is she talking about?" When we got home with Hunter he was wearing the same size as Parker. Now they are wearing two different sizes. Parker is wearing a solid 4 and Hunter is wearing a 5. Now I know Hunter is younger than Parker, but I swear BOTH of the boys have grown. Parker is just a slower grower than his brother. So for the first time I'll be able to separate the boys clothes and put them in their individual rooms.
Today picking up the kids from school. I watched a 5th grade boy walk over to Parker and give him a "High 5". Parker responded as though it was the most natural occurence in the world for a Kindergartener. The girls got in the car complaining that Parker is so popular and that everyone loves Parker! To funny! I think jealousy is raising its green head a bit. [shrug] What's not to love???
Well I feel better. Each day more and more is getting done and the kids are getting into the routine of school with ease. My wish for you and I is that our routines remain intact and easy.
As for losing my mind? I think I'll chalk it up to being a Mom.....that is desparately trying to get even more organized.
I'm not quite going out of my mind, but I do have a harder time remembering the simple things then when I was first married. You'll be ok.... the people who have 12 to 18 kids haven't shot themselves! lol....
I have more and more moments of losing my mind...I blame it on Fibro Fog because I found it on the net. Lol.
It has been a crazy week so far-- we put our house up for sale! Now that means before I leave the house everyday at 7am to start my mad life..everything has to be neat as a pin. Grrrr.
Oh, thought of you this weekend. Went to my dads and my big bro brought his big Hog. My dad got on it, once he struggled to get his squatty leg over, and rode it out of the neighborhood. My dad is only 58 but hasn't been on a bike in 25 years. Scared me too death!! When he FINALLY came back, we were all relieved.
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