Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve and other news...

First let me wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a safe, healthy and magical holiday.
Happy Hanukkah as well! We'll be attending a Hanukkah celebration, our first, on the 27th. We're very excited to spend that time with some wonderful friends. On the 30th we'll be attending our first Bar Mitzvah and help Eiton celebrate his day.

News! Kristina is doing beautifully in school and did wonderfully on all her finals. AP Chemistry had her running around scared, but she passed the final with one of the highest scores in the class.

Olivia had her first Violin concert and is now anxious to audition for the upper string section for next year. Sorry, no pictures. The battery in the camera needed to be changed and we didn't figure that out until we were on our way to Air Academy H. S. where the concert took place.

Jolie did her holiday choir concert at a assisted living facility where most of the audience were asleep! As I told David, none of our youngest children have been around older people for any length of time and as such they don't understand.

Cisco is doing great and growing by leaps and bounds. I have no idea what he weighs at this point but I'm sure its close to 7 - 8 lbs. He's as long as Jake and Max but with much shorter legs. He is definitely going to be height challenged!

Knitting as usual with spinning thrown in. Love the spinning! Have done multiple skeins of hand spun yarn. Anxious to start picking out some projects to do with them. I'm thinking a set of fingerless mitts for one. We'll see!

We had a fabulous time in Minnesota for Thanksgiving. Check Bonnie's blog for pictures!

Merry Christmas everyone......