Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cold, Cleaning and additions....

Colorado has finally moved into winter mode. The weather over the last couple of weeks has been less than inviting. "Cold", is the word. "Snow", is another word we've typically used more frequently in years past but we have finally started to get some. (I took this picture as we were waiting for a snow to hit our area. Notice that Black Forest on the horizon is disappearing) Our problem is that combined with the cold, the snow (no matter how little there truely is) is staying days longer than the usual count of hours.

I took this picture 20 mins later. Black Forest was a distant memory from this vantage point.

Christmas is over. Hard to believe the holidays are gone for another year. Now it quite simply means that my cleaning schedule from years ago has been brought out of the "cleaning" closet, so to speak, to be reinstated as the best method of cleaning ones home. (my opinion only, of course) The tree just came down yesterday and the rest of the decorations are sitting by the stairs, neatly packed in boxes, waiting for the long journey to the storage room. In the last few days I have cleaned the Utility room from ceiling to floor and totally re-org'd in there. I only have the ceiling light fixtures left to attend to. The breakfast room is dust free. I can't say its totally clean since I have 4 relatively small children that eat in there daily, but the idea is there.

Saturday I'll start on the kitchen. I can hardly wait to get in there and see what lies behind some of those cabinet doors that haven't seen the light of day for months or possibly years. If there are "those types" of items they are going to new homes or out for a possible garage sale.

My cichlid fish tank is back up and running at normal speed. After that mishap a few weeks ago, I really had to think hard about keeping this tank up and running. But the fact that we love the fish and enjoy seeing them swim around seemed to win out over shutting it down. The cichlid tank now has 4 new inhabitants. 1 male and 3 females.

Electric Yellows!

My decision was to have the tank be as self sufficient as possible. So with the addition of this fish and another (surprise) in a couple of weeks, their production of off-spring will help support the tank, with the selling of the babies they produce. I like that idea! If we end up with baby fish like we used to get, it is possible that this tank could be as much as 90% self supporting to start and just go up from there.

As for my "agressive" salt tank that is in my bedroom, well changes are in store for it as well. With the passing of Bamboo my aggressive tank really is no longer as aggressive as it once was. So I decided to make it a Saltwater fish tank. The only meat eating fish are the two eels, my Huma Huma trigger and a Blue Spotted Toby. So we're headed off into an entirely different direction now. I'll be adding some really beautiful fish slowly over the next year. Now I need to start planning who.