Monday, May 24, 2010

The "Poo"....

Some time back I playfully nicknamed Maxy, "THE POO". You know like "The Fonz" from Happy Days. So now the entire family is accustomed to hearing that nickname and fondly refer to Max, on occasion, as "The Poo!" So..... you can imagine having him walk around with an attitude and a strut after being called, "The Poo". He really loves the attention.

Well today Max lived up to the name in every way. I had let the dogs out to go do what dogs do and decided to change into some more comfortable clothing. After getting one leg in the pj bottoms I hear Max barking, which in itself is unusual, and I see Jake's rear end running into the house. So I run to the door just in time to see our first bear of the season cutting into our neighbors yard desperately trying to avoid Max, "The Poo" barking at him without fear. After screaming for "The Poo" to come in the house I finally grabbed the camera and video'd our first encounter of the year and "The Poo's" first conquest.... Maxy, you "The Poo!" Enjoy!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Surprise, Field Day, Knitting and more...

Reading, reading and more reading... I'm so fortunate to have most of my children love a good read.
Field Day! This year we didn't have horrible weather to deal with, but it did get cold and even colder as the morning wore on. Tug of war! Jolie is 2nd from the right. All girls against the guys. This group of girls put to shame those boys. They won all three pulls!

Here's Hunter waiting in line...

Olivia waiting for the obstacle race...

Parker waiting for the 1 mile run...
Kaitlyn took this picture of our tree out front. David commented the other day that in all the years we've lived here this is the longest that the tree has stayed in flower. He's right. We're working on 3 weeks now.
Wax Museum at school. Each year the 4th graders do a Wax Museum at the end of the school year. Olivia chose to be Mother Teresa. This is a 2 day event and each student presents throughout the school going from classroom to classroom with their information posters and giving their speeches. Fortunately for us Olivia was the only Mother Teresa out of the 3 - 4th grade classes. We had Mmd. Curie's, MLK, jr's, and more. The kids have a blast doing this. We're hoping that Jolie gets Mother Teresa next year so that we can re-use the costume we made.
Are you sitting down, relaxed with a coffee/tea .....? Ok. Here is the surprise. We're going to try camping this year. We have people who camp and we're going to be asking if we can borrow their camp equipment and give it a try. We also know someone who owns a campground and figured that we'll try this new adventure out there first, so if we have problems we know someone who is close by to help. Can you imagine this group of city folk trying the outdoors in more than the usual run to the local park for some fun? I'm trying! But we'll see. I'm hoping that this will work out as its time for the little ones to experience the outdoors on a more basic level. Not to mention that almost everyone we know here, camps to some degree. Bugs, creepy crawly things, howling in the distance, something sniffing things around the tents at night..... Ok. I think I can handle this.....
Now, I know not everyone is thrilled to see items so brilliantly colored or patterns that appear to be complicated. But I love each of those attributes and am immediately am drawn to these to accomplish said items. So here is the picture of the newest project that I've started. Now I realize that I have 5 - 6 on going projects (inc. this new project) most of the time. As I finish one I start another to keep that part of my life full and interesting. So I have one project for knitting group every Tuesday evening. I have another for the knitting group that meets every other Monday. I have one for the car, etc. etc. That way I'm not working on the same item day after day and get tired or bored with it. (Hence the "Blanket from Hell", which stays in the car *shiver* as a constant reminder that I'm now almost 3 months over due with finishing it! *breath deep, relax*)
Anyway... I'm very excited about this latest project and hope to have some pictures of the work in process in the next few days. I started the toe yesterday and the red and purple really POP! on that toe.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day, Lost teeth and more.....

Mother's Day came big time this year! Bonnie sent a beautiful edible arrangement that her daddy helped her surprise me with. Isn't this beautiful? It sure did taste luscious...

Thank you again Sweetheart!
We rode up to Green Mountain Falls on Mother's Day and experienced the cooler temps that are still hanging around. (Right now its snowing!)

Well Hunter has lost his first tooth! I guess I should have waited to post this as he actually just lost his 2nd tooth about 10 min's ago! So now he has a nice little gap on the bottom so that we can see his 2 new permanent teeth that are popping in. Jolie followed within abou 3 min's with another tooth loss of her own. Toothfairy will be busy tonight!

Dinner tonight! Poured the vino over this roast and veggie's and sat back and enjoyed the rich and aromatic smells coming out of the kitchen. Yum.......

Served it with a bit of pasta sprinkled with parmesean, and french bread with butter. I considered a salad but with the potatoes, carrots and onions we had plenty.

My sweater. Yes, you read that right. My sweater. If you can get on Ravelry you can keep up with my progress. I love the color. The sweater is called "Geodesic Cardigan".

Monday, May 3, 2010

Making pizza's, last school songs, and more...

Making your own pizza is a lot of fun, especially when you can deal the pepperoni's like cards....

Olivia had a pattern in mind that entailed two layers of cheese!

Jolie loves pineapple on her's....

Parker's a definite Pepperoni fiend....

Hunter finished off our attendence of concerts this year. This song is about washing with soap and water done to the Beyonce hit, "Put a Ring on it..." We just cracked up with all the little ones "gettin down" with the music. Hunter is first on the second row... Enjoy!
David off to Toronto yesterday amid very strange weather. Snow, hail, rain, wind, etc. He's due home late Tuesday night. For the time being we're having a quiet day and I'm off for my volunteer time.