Friday, September 12, 2008

"I think its going to fit!," says Parker.

One year ago this November, David and I traveled to Macau for a business conference. After the conference we headed off into parts of China that we've never seen before. When we were traveling around I kept seeing women knitting sweaters for their families. Which of course gave me the knitting bug once again. Finally I asked, before leaving China, where a yarn store was. In Guangzhou, Judy took me shopping and what an adventure we had. So I came home with enough wool yarn to make each of the little ones a sweater with yarn from China. Jolie's sweather was completed in a matter of weeks. Then life took hold of me again and time got away with only part of Parker's sweater completed. He is disappointed, but only occasionally brings up the sweater not being completed over the next months. Fast forward 10 months --- I'm knitting again and Parker has grown so much that the sweater I started will no longer fit. (Yeah!) I rip it all out and start over.

This is the beginning of his sweater. I have about 4" done. This morning Parker ran over to watch me knitting. He quickly realized that this was the yarn I bought for him. He became so excited and wiggly. He blurted out, "I think its going to fit!!!" I was able to stifle my chuckle and quickly put the knitted swatch up to the top of his head and agreed with him.
That's my boy! Always the optimist.

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