Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Toronto, ON. David spent Monday in Toronto for a business meeting. Having never been to Canada he was impressed with the cleanliness of the city and all the Fall colour. At least this flight made it back on the same day it was supposed to. Even though we still didn't get home until 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning with me picking him up from DIA.
My African basket. I just love this basket. We bought it at one of the Farmer's Markets in town. It has really come in handy with shopping at the markets and for my knitting.


Just a video of a great Colorado Springs sunrise...
Can you guess what this is going to be?

Kaitlyn confirmed with the flu. So she's home for the next 6 days. Didn't confirm "PIG" flu, just some type of flu. So when she saw this she immediately asked if she could have it. Let me think......................Don't think so!


Anonymous said...

That things could be anything, I haven't a clue what it is. But it's mighty pretty!

Jay said...

Pattern is pretty, but I'm not even going to start guessing. I'd be here all night! lol