Saturday, August 29, 2009

6 miles today...

The thunder is echoing outside and I'm glad that I did my walk this a.m., though it is cooler now. The breeze is picking up and I'm thinking riding may be out of the question for the time being.

That's o.k. Laundry is in process, the house is slowly being picked up.

Bonnie called and we had a great talk. Lots of laughing, giggling and talking about children.

David is working downstairs, the little ones are laying down and quiet pervades the house.


6 miles today in a little under two hours. I can't believe it. But it feels SO GOOD to be able to say that. David bought me a pedometer. Its pretty cute, clips to my pants and keeps a fairly good record of the steps. But you don't use it as a end all in the grand scheme of things. Walking can be and is fast becoming, for me, addictive. With my personality that shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.

Max had his check up yesterday. He is so good and everyone just loves his personality and calm demeanor. Kidneys working great, (I could have told them that! ;-) and we're to keep on keeping on with the meds. I did tell Dr. Barb that Max and Jake occasionally walk with me since Max has dropped 1/2 lb. The hope is that with the weight he's losing that it will help the narrowing of the trachea that causes him to cough. His heart condition appears to be under control and I'm very happy and relieved.

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