Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Qwest!!!!! Dear Lord...

Ever feel the need? Well the last 5 days have definitely been a test of patience. Quest was supposed to upgrade our service today but last Thursday completely shut us down without a reason why and without notification. David, in the mean time, had just transferred our home phone line to another service that uses the internet. So if we don't have Internet we don't have phones to the house. With Quest's "boo-boo" we had no phones and no Internet until today. Amazingly no one at Quest was able to fix our problem AND no could tell us why our service was disconnected 5 days early! At this point I'm just grateful to be back on line and to know that if the need arises we can call 911 without fear of our cellphones working or not working hanging over our heads. David, of course, has other plans for a enlightening letter and follow-up phone call to the Qwest headquarters. I may include a short note myself! Having survived an unintentional Internet withdrawal, I'm now glad to have caught up on everyone's blogs and my e-mail and I hope I never have to go through that again. Whew!

Hunter had his first day of p.m. kindergarten yesterday. I moved him out of the morning class with the hopes of him fitting in better. The p.m. class is smaller and another child from the a.m. class had already made the transition last week. So Hunter is not alone, even though he was quick to point out that the "other kid is a girl"!

I just thought I'd add this picture of Hunter with his freshly washed hair.....

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