I was also gifted a gift that I've been wanting for a few years now. I have already tried it out and it fits perfectly... My new bike! He-He! The color is fantastic, a beautiful light minty green with a white/black and mint green seat. I just need a few accessories like a helmet and a beautiful woven basket to go on the handlebars and she'll be set to go. I think I'm going to name her Beatrice.
Believe it or not, our eggs are selling at a phenomenal rate. We sold out in just under a week and have a waiting list. So I've officially named the little enterprise, "The Egg Shack" and it even has its own email address. We are going to be doing cards as well and I'm already busy at designing them. I am looking forward to perhaps getting a website up and going as well. We did go ahead and purchase the domain name on 4 separate sites. So now the task is to just get the stuff going. I need to get a web designer, I need to get a card designer, etc. Oh just so much to do.... Heheheheeheeeeeee.
Knitting is going great. Completions are adding up. I finished a wonderful pair of green socks for myself and a shawl. So looking forward to wearing both. Working on a panel that I'll use for the closet opening in the master bathroom. I spun the yarn myself and am thinking that when I no longer need the panel I can re-purpose the panel into a beautiful brown shawl.
Kristina has obtained her second job for the summer and has been awarded MVP for her first job after working there for just about a month. We're so proud of her. She was also elected education coordinator in her sorority, Phi Sigma Sigma, and is looking to add a council position to her credentials in the future. Below is my Kitchen Chicken that Kristina got for me for Mother's Day.